Oh yes, my dearest when you eat clean you can whip clean too with this is clean eating whipped cream recipe. It tastes so lovely and can be made with only 1 or 2 ingredients, making it a clean eating dream come true.
Loads of you lovely readers keep asking me how to enjoy whipped cream while trying to eat clean and healthy. Easy! All you need is a tin of full-fat coconut milk. Get a good one though, nothing added if possible by which I mean no sugars, oils, e numbers or ingredients you struggle to pronounce. I personally like Biona or Coconut Merchant tinned milk.
Ok back to this clean eating whipped cream recipe. Once you have the tin of coconut milk, place it in your fridge and leave it there for a minimum of 24 hours. This simple trick uses the cold air in the fridge to make the coconut milk harden. Once the 24 hours is up, open the tin, gently scoop out the hardened coconut and pop it into your blender or food processor (a blender works much better).
If you want it sweeter, add a touch of maple syrup, but no more than a tablespoon, as coconut is naturally very sweet anyway.
All that is left is to do is to whizz it all up until smooth, scrape the cream into a bowl, let it set in the fridge for an hour or so and then devour on its own or with strawberries. I like to add a sprinkle of cinnamon.
Here's the clean eating whipped cream recipe
Clean eating whipped cream recipe
- 1 tin full fat coconut milk
- Optional: 1 tablespoon maple syrup, date syrup or any of your favourite healthier sweetener
- Place the tin of coconut milk in the fridge for a minimum of 24 hours.
- Once the time us up, take the tin out, open it and scope out all hardened coconut. Leave the liquid in the tin, do not add it to the mixture.
- Place the hardened coconut chunks into your blender and blend until smooth and creamy.
- Taste and add extra sweetener if needed.
- Transfer the mixture into a bowl and place in a fridge to set for an hour or so.
- Serve with cinnamon, sliced strawberries, on top of your coffee or eat it straight from the bowl.
This must be the easiest recipe ever, don’t you think? Stay tuned for my pumpkin spice latte recipe next week which will be topped with this gorgeous whipped cream.
As always please, if you make this recipe share it with me either on my Facebook,Twitter or Instagram. I would love to see it! Hashtag #HediHearts
Much love,
Janine Rusted
Will any coconut milk do?
Hedi Hearts
No, only full fat tinned coconut milk lovely. Hedi xxx
Janine Rusted
So blue dragon or tescos's own is good? Sorry just want to get it right xx
Hedi Hearts
They will work, but they are not the best when it comes to being clean lovely. Hedi xxx
Janine Rusted
Okay ta - can you tell me what are the best please? X
Andrea Meyers
you're. my. new. favorite. person.
Hi! I'm making some of this tonight!
Thank you so so much by the way!
Just wondering...
Should I put it in an airtight container in the fridge if I don't use it all at once?
& if so, how long it will keep?
Hedi Hearts
yes lovely airtight container and it will last up to 1 week. Hedi xx