I love running, but never used to until 3 years ago when out of sheer despair I went out for a run! From that first run I have fallen in love with running…well it’s a kinda love-hate relationship as it happens. Lots of you asked to write a post about my top 10 tips to start running so here I am sharing.
Running is very healthy, there is no doubt about that, but it is just one of those activities that few people manage to stick to. Most of us, including me, are having a hard time starting to run on a constant basis, let alone making a hobby out of this. Even though you know that running can improve your health and wellbeing, you might still be laying on that couch waiting to get motivated or procrastinating while making one of mine delicious recipes.
Without further ado, here are the top 10 tips to start running:
- Push yourself a bit.
If you are waiting to feel in the mood to run, you might never start running. Let's face it, it’s not one of those activities that you are look forward to try, but I promise you it is worth the effort.
- Start slow.
You don't have to run until you drop, that is a sure way to hate running in fact. You can just start with 10 or 15 minutes of slow running a day and then increase it gradually. Or how about running to the park and back, or to your friend’s house to say hi and back.
- Make it a habit.
In order to run on a regular basis, you have to turn running into a habit. When you manage to do so, it won't seem like an unusual activity but like a normal and habitual one. After a while you will get so used to running that it will come naturally.
- Get a buddy or two and run together.
This will make you more committed. You can motivate one another and keep running until you get to really enjoy it. It is also a great way to catch up on a bit of gossip! Check your local running groups too, as running as part of a group will also make you more competitive and you will make new friends as well! Calling all the single ladies…the more serious local clubs are full of fit and sometimes single men! Who needs Tinder!
- Buy comfortable running shoes.
Running requires proper footwear. A random pair of worn out sneakers might get you blisters and aches, which will only make matters worse if you are already struggling to start running. Look for deals and special discounts to get a pair of affordable and comfortable running shoes. They will be useful for hiking, walking or other workouts. Any excuse to go shopping !
- Listen to music.
It will distract you and you will focus less on how badly you would like to sit on the couch. Energetic music will pump up the adrenaline even more and you will see how time just flies by. I am currently hooked on Spotify running tracks and Ministry of Sound has also got some great running beats. However, make sure that you always pay attention to the surroundings.
- Have realistic expectations.
At the beginning you might get tired easily. Perhaps you will only be able to run a bit and then you will be forced to stop to catch your breath. This happens to everyone due to the lack of training. Have a bit of patience and you can be sure that you will be able to achieve the performance you want in a pretty short while.
- Do your best to enjoy it.
Running doesn't have to be a burden. Try to observe the neighbourhood or the park and relax while you are at it. I sometimes listen to podcasts and audiobooks. You would never believe how 50 shades of grey can make you sprint!!!
- Follow a plan.
You don't have to run every day. Actually, it is best if you do it just two or three times a week, at least in the beginning. Take a day off in between the workouts to rest and to avoid injuries. Download running apps to track your progress or to help you with getting from zero to 5K.
- Reorganise your schedule.
If you are a busy person, you will have to set priorities. Forget about extra TV time and go for a run instead. It’s one of the best remedies for broken hearts, depression, anxiety or binge eating.
I hope these top 10 tips to start running helped you a bit. If you have any more tips, pop them in the comment section below. Even I sometimes need motivation to put my running shoes on and go and pound the pavement!
Much love,
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